Testing Ionic Contributions - commands not working

I have a Pull Request (almost) ready for Ionic and I’m trying to make sure that I best adhere to the contribution conventions. I’m having issues running the following… it seems there isn’t a ionic.conf.js after cloning the ionic repo.

karma start ionic.conf.js

I’ve also followed the commands on the README but this is what I get when I follow those commands.

$> gulp karma

$> /home/todd/projects/ionic/node_modules/conventional-changelog/node_modules/lodash/index.js:688
  function runInContext(context) {
$> illegal access

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

OK, looks like I might have had an older version of gulp, after upgrading this the commands in the repo’s README seem to run just fine now. I’ll prob raise a PR for the ionic-site repo to update the contributions page.

Hey @toddhalfpenny, try running gulp karma

Also I wouldn’t worry tooo much about tests, we test any PR code with our own code suites (CI)

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Cheers Mike… yeah that worked… looks like my gulp wasn’t up-to-date enough. Mucho thanks!

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