Testing http request in Browser


Is there any way we can test json request in browser. As mentioned in docs using python server with this command python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000. But Json request does not work this way. Although I found a way by starting the chromium browser using --disable-web-security.

Just wondering is there a better the just like the python server.


You could use a LAMP/WAMP/XAMPP stacks(based on what Operating System you are on) or, simply install Apache and use it.


I don’t think that CORS issue can be solved by working with apache server. I have already tested it by running on Apache server, but it doesn’t work. Although using apache server work when running the angular ionic app. Just the problem in my case is that I am making a http request to my other app server, that is giving problem.


If its a CORS, you need to set a flag that the url is trusted. What is your console saying? Something similar to this:

Error: [$sce:insecurl] Blocked loading resource from url not allowed by $sceDelegate policy.  URL: ...