Template not load when I click on a link


I’ve an issue with ionic. When I click on a href the URL change in my address bar but the template doesn’t load. If I tape the url myself It’s working.

You can test here: http://run.plnkr.co/plunks/IFHpZF4MOOrRYciLTjAs/#/

If you click on any link the URL change, but not the page. But if you go directly on http://run.plnkr.co/plunks/IFHpZF4MOOrRYciLTjAs/#/friends you’ve the right template.

Complete code : http://plnkr.co/edit/IFHpZF4MOOrRYciLTjAs?p=info

Any one have an idea what i did wrong ?


It could be because you use tabs without a parent abstract state and children state names not using the dot notation. Have a look at the docs and the tabs starter app.

I removed my ng-include with tabs in all of my pages and the problem still here.