It should be pretty straight forward from my code, but what I’m trying to do is take some form values and modify my api query within my service to reflect that.
I have a view that works great, it pulls in a list from my api and populates:
Thanks, I was able to implement a pretty much working solution going from that.
Now I need to pass the values from my inputs to my initial click function (currently I’m just declaring manually via data-ng-click="filterResults('myvalue1', 'myvalue2')") – I’m assuming something like ng-switch will help me here?
Secondly, which may be solved when i pass the parameters above; but when the list populates with filtered results after clicking the button, and I click that result for a detail page - clicking the back button will reload the “all” list due to, well, requesting all by default in the controller.
So I guess i need to figure out the best way to keep the filtered list/position in scroll when going back from a filtered selection. (If my input selects don’t change back to default when I go back to that page, it should be able to re-fetch the filtered albeit without the scroll position where you last left off)
When using ng-model on a select it’s injecting <option value="? undefined:undefined ?"></option> as my first option. How would I set a default in it’s place (like <option value="">All</option>)
I’m assuming because on the select it’s looking to bind some data from the controller by default?