Sublime Text 3 Snippet Package for Ionic Framework

I have created a package for ionic framework snippets for Sublime Text 3. It is downloadable through Package Control in Sublime Text 3. Just type Ionic there in Package Control.

Link of Github Repo is
I am basically a web developer and new in these kind of stuff. Please give me feedback, so that I can improve this package and make it really useful.


This is fantastic @imsingh! Great work!

Great job! This will be helpful!

Version 2.0.0 of Ionic Sublime Snippet Plugin is Here.
Additions Include :
CSS based HTML Snippets
New AngularJS Directive Based Snippets.
JS Based Snippets.
Fixes :
HTML Snippets will work in HTML Only.
JS Snippets will work in JS File Only.

You can Download it from Sublime’s Package Manager.
Already More than 500 Downloads. Keep Sharing and helping.

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Thanks @imsingh! Just installed the new version.


[quote=“thoughtpalette, post:5, topic:4113”]
[/quote] desde Honduras

I am Extract the Zip File packages folder … Sublimetext Nothing Show the Language [ ionic]
in View -> Syntaxt - Ionic not present

I use Sublime Text 3 on Linux MiNT. I just installed your plugin today and have been trying it out - great job from what I’ve used so far! :smile:

Could you share your sublime 3 setup ?

…I need bro …but its ask premium …

I don’t know what you mean by Sublime 3 setup. I just installed Sublime like normal and then pressed CTRL+SHIFT+P and selected Install Package (using Package Control in Sublime). When the package repository list comes up, type in Ionic Framework Snippets and hit enter. It will install into Sublime automatically. There’s no need to download the zip file and try to manually install it yourself.

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I am Downloading & Extract Ionic Zip in Sublime Package folder …its not working … …Now your idea is Working

Now .I am install the ionic package …

in descreption : we should look for ionic framwork in install packpage

I didn’t find it