SQLite stops working after first run

I have an SQLite instance in my app which works perfectly the first time the app is run but never again afterwards - I have no inkling what’s going on here.


import { Platform } from '@ionic/angular';
import { SQLite, SQLiteObject } from '@ionic-native/sqlite/ngx';

  constructor(private platform: Platform, private sqlite: SQLite) {
    this.platform.ready().then(() => {
        name: 'data.db',
        location: 'default'
      .then((db: SQLiteObject) => {
        this.database = db;
        this.database.executeSql('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS favouriteQuotes (id VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, date VARCHAR(255), content VARCHAR(255), author VARCHAR(255), PRIMARY KEY(id))');
      .catch((error) => {

  public async addFavourite(id: string, date: string, content: string, author: string): Promise<any> {
    let data = [encodeURI(id), encodeURI(date), encodeURI(content), encodeURI(author)];
    return this.database.executeSql(`INSERT INTO favouriteQuotes (id, date, content, author) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)`, data);

  public async getQuote(id: string) {
    return this.database.executeSql(`SELECT * FROM favouriteQuotes WHERE id = ?`, [encodeURI(id)]);

  public async getFavourites(limit: number = 5, offset: number = 0) {
    return this.database.executeSql(`SELECT * FROM favouriteQuotes LIMIT ? OFFSET ?`, [limit, offset])

  public async removeFavourite(id: string) {
    return this.database.executeSql(`DELETE FROM favouriteQuotes WHERE id = ?`, [encodeURI(id)]);

And on the page…

  public isFavourite(): void {
                     .then((res) => {
                       this.favourite = (res.rows.length > 0);
                     .catch((error) => {
                       this.alertService.error("Unexpected issues when connecting to the favourites database. Please try again.");

  public addFavourite(): void {
    this.quoteService.addFavourite(this.quote.id, this.quote.date, this.quote.content, this.quote.author)
                     .then(() => {
                     .catch((error) => {
                       this.alertService.error('There was an error favouriting this quote. Please try again.');

  public removeFavourite(): void {
                     .then(() => {
                     .catch((error) => {
                       this.alertService.error('Could not remove quote from favourites. Please try again.');

Any ideas? Apologies if it’s something stupid!

EDIT: There’s a chance this isn’t an SQLite issue. After the second load the buttons (which are just <button> elements - not <ion-buttons>) suddenly have a chrome style orange outline around them when they are pressed…