Sqlite issue with ionic cordova run android

Over and over again, people have said don’t instantiate SQLite yourself.

this.db = new SQLite();

Would you please listen and stop doing this?

I already have written above

its showing cannot read property create of undefined

I also tried without that but I am getting error that is why I uploaded the code

Again, before anybody attempts to assist you further here, will you please explain precisely why you do not wish to use ionic-storage?

ionic storage also I am using but I cant leave this Sqlite also because if the error…
I don’t have any issue with that storage but other members also should get agree they have said already use SQlite that’s why

Not a sufficient reason. Please stop directly dealing with SQLite completely. You will be happier in the long run.

Ok, I no officially stop helping you:

this.db = new SQLite();

Good luck with your problem.

I have already posted an error without using

this.db = new SQLite();