[SOLVED] Super-Bar Ionic

Hi ! :slight_smile:

I try to do this tuto : https://github.com/jeneser/ionic-super-bar

It works fine, but if I change the name of the page home by an other name, the super-bar doesn’t work, do you know why ?

What was the solution to your question? Please post it and select it as the solution, so future readers can also find out.

Yes sure !

It’s very simple :frowning: You just need to pust the name of the page (ex : page-home) in app.scss where you find the line .platform-android {
page-home, page-language-details {

I dislike the suggestion in the above post. Edit SCSS files at the page level; don’t pollute app.scss with page-specific styling.

I agree with you @rapropos but the creator of the topic in github does in app.sass :frowning: