[SOLVED] Statusbar plugin conflict with keyboard plugin

It seems like the status bar plugin isn’t working with the latest keyboard plugin. I have a dark-themed app and am using to get the status bar content to be white.

This was working previously, but I believe it stopped when I updated the keyboard plugin. Now it displays the standard dark statusbar, unless I remove the keyboard plugin from the project. Then it displays as expected.

I believe I’m using the latest version of both plugins:

cordova-plugin-statusbar 2.2.3 "StatusBar"
ionic-plugin-keyboard 2.2.1 “Keyboard”

Is there a way to roll back to an earlier version of the keyboard plugin? Any other suggested solutions?

Here are screenshots illustrating the issue.

Keyboard plugin removed:


Keyboard plugin added back to project:


What I don’t understand is that ionic-plugin-keyboard seems to be a standard Ionic plugin, so if there’s a conflict with it, it seems like something most people should be dealing with.

Any suggestions?

It seems like I had two instances of a $ionicPlatform.ready(function() in my app.js that were conflicting with each other. I removed the extra one and it’s now working as expected.