[SOLVED] Problem running windows platform on Windows 10

hy there I alrady have the latest version of .Net

Do you know ho to retrive this data to enable push notifications on windows:

thanks a lot

I have both windows 8.1 sdk and 10.0 sdk installed do i need to uninstall 8.1 sdk to make this work

nope… in visual studio click on windows 10universal project . right click and select as startup project and than build it

Do I need to change the CordovaApp Property options where I can set the target platform as Windows 10

are you getting error in building the project.? and whether you are using ionic v1 or v2

I am using cordova and I have the COMException when the app is being deployed. The build is successfull everytime

try deploying on emulator and see the problem still exist…