[SOLVED]Can't go to subview


First sorry for grammar/word mistake I am not a native speaker.

I have a little problem in my ionic app, I am trying to go in subview from a list in my second tab but I can’t go instead it redirect me directly to the default view.
Must be a mistake on my side but I dont see anything in the $stateProvider nor in my html/controller

My code is here https://github.com/AzSiAz/rss

If any more information are needed, ask I will do my best to answer


<ion-item class="item-icon-right" collection-repeat="item in items" type="item-text-wrap" href="#/tab/feeds/{{item}}">

You can’t pass a full object as a state param in href.
Pass only the feed id and define a service to retrieve the matching feed object.

Ah didn’t know about this one, seem logic thought
Thanks you very much gmarziou, it’s working now :smiley: