Signed APK wont start on device

So i signed my apk (default cordova app-just to ckeck if i can sign apk) using instructions on this page
I followed it srep by step (only thing i didnt to is set android.debuggable to false in androidmanifest.xml because that doesn exist in my file) and my cordova project doesn’t have any error. So when i sign apk and install it on android device, the app would not even start and i get this message alert “Unfortunalty, app_name has stopped”.
Well this is unfortunate. Without this i can’t publish app on playstore.

Any suggestions?

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Ok, it looks like i made mistake right at the beginning. Apparently, now androidmanifest.xml doesn’t have this line:


So i presumed, that it does not need to be changed (since it doesn’t exists). Well i guess i was wrong. I changed it into:

<application android:debuggable="false" android:hardwareAccelerated="true" android:icon="@drawable/icon" android:label="@string/app_name">

so it appears that now my signed app runs fine.

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