Side menu overlap when used with cordova-plugin-googlemaps

Good, I continue with more tests …

I have also tested what tux says on the link Google Maps Plugin and side menu
And it does not solve my problem either.
I leave a summary of my problem in case anyone knows the solution.

I need when the user moves the map, in any direction, NEVER show the menu.

Thanks to your solution I have tried several options, but none have been satisfactory.

<Ion-side-menu side = "left" ng-hide = "menuHidden" can-swipe = "menuHidden" ngSwipeLeft = "menuHidden" ng-animate-swap = "menuHidden">

I leave here the comment in case you or another person can help me.

NOTE: There are cases where it works well and these are:
1.- When you first enter the view, loaded from

$ UrlRouterProvider.otherwise ( '/menu/mapa_dmb');

2.- When you change your view in the menu and from the same menu is re-entered on the map.

It is only failing when there is a view before such as “login” or “pincode” and displays the map after login or pincode.

$ State.go ( 'menu.mapa_dmb');

In case it serves anything. :slight_smile: