Show permanently "ng-show" when the app is closed by the user

Hi , is it possible to show permanently “ng-show” when the app closed?

sry, i do not get it… maybe you can explain it a little bit better

Here’s a further explanation: When I Click the button the div ng-show , I want to show It Permanently It will no longer Hide.

<button ng-click="showTheDIV">Click Me To Show the DIV </button>

<div ng-show="ShowMeNow">
         <h2>I will show Permanently</h2>

Create $scope.showMeNow = false; in your controller and :

<button ng-click="showMeNow = true">Click Me To Show the DIV </button>

<div ng-show="showMeNow">
     <h2>I will show Permanently</h2>


here’s the full code:When I Click the button the div ng-show ,When my app is close, I want to show the “DIV ng-show” Permanently It will no longer Hide. Am I going to use localstorage or ngstorage to save it ?

   <button ng-click="showTheDIV">Click Me To Show the DIV </button>
    <div ng-show="ShowMeNow">
             <h2>I will show Permanently</h2>
//Heres My Controller
    $scope.showTheDIV = function(){
        $scope.ShowMeNow = True;

Please help :frowning: