Send connection status to component?

I have a controller that does an API call. When there’s no network it shows no connection. But when the network is reconnected I want it to start doing that API call. I’m not sure on how to do this.

I’m using the Ionic Native Network plugin ->

I put those functions in a global provider.

When I get disconnected/connected again I do get the console log notice like in that example but I’m not sure how to tell the controller to do that function at that time.

I currently have this.

import {Injectable} from '@angular/core';
import {App} from 'ionic-angular';
import { Network } from '@ionic-native/network';

export class GlobalProvider {
    connection: boolean = false;

    constructor(public app: App, public network: Network) {
  => {
            console.log('network connected!');
            this.connection = true;
        }); => {
            console.log('network was disconnected :-(');
            this.connection = false;

    isOnline() {
        return navigator.onLine;

import {Component} from '@angular/core';
import {LoadingController, NavController} from 'ionic-angular';
import {Http} from '@angular/http';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/map';
import {Network} from '@ionic-native/network';

// Routes
import {NewsDetail} from '../news/news-detail';

// Providers
import {GlobalProvider} from '../../providers/global';

    selector: 'page-news',
    templateUrl: 'news.html'

export class News {
    posts: object;
    firstPost: object;
    postHeaderURL: string;
    today: number;
    notification: object = {image: '', title: '', content: ''};
    loader: any;

    constructor(public navCtrl: NavController, public http: Http, public globalProvider: GlobalProvider, public loadingCtrl: LoadingController, public network: Network) {

        if (globalProvider.isOnline() || globalProvider.connection == true) {
             this.sendHTTPRequest(loadingCtrl, globalProvider);
        } else {
            this.notification = globalProvider.notification['internet'];

    sendHTTPRequest(loadingCtrl, globalProvider) { =;
        this.loader = loadingCtrl.create();

        this.http.get('').map(res => res.json()).subscribe(
            data => {
                for (let j = 0; j < data.length; j++) {
                    if (this.dateDiffInDays(data[j].date, == 0) {
                        data[j].today = true;

                this.posts = data;
                this.firstPost = data[0];
                this.postHeaderURL = 'assets/img/header/Vooraanzicht_Goffertstadion_2HH.jpg';
            err => {
                this.notification = globalProvider.notification['internal'];
                console.log('Error ' + err.status + ' | ' + JSON.parse(err._body).message);
            () => {

Decided to just move the onConnect function to the controller. Works now. => {
        console.log('network connected!');
        this.sendHTTPRequest(loadingCtrl, globalProvider);

Not that you (or anybody else) need care about my opinion, but I would fundamentally change the design here.

The service provider should be responsible for dealing with all network stuff. It should expose things like posts via Observables (Subjects are typical). The page should only subscribe to the Observables exposed by the service provider, and have absolutely no care whatsoever as to how and when they are updated.

Also, never store loading indicators in object properties. Always make them lexically scoped, and you will not be tempted to either reuse or double-dispose them.