Scrolling in a modal

So I’ve created a modal in my app and I’ve been having some weird issues with it. I used the Ionic Codepen and another one I found to no avail.

Here is what I get:

As you can see the modal doesn’t come out very good.

If I remove <ion-modal-view> and replace it with a div with class=“modal” then…

I get this:

The second one is better but the text is totally wrong and it doesn’t scroll.

Anyone know what’s up with this?

Hey @arjun I know this issue. Have a look at this thread: Why is this CSS property set in the core Ionic CSS

Thanks @siddhartha

I managed to fix it myself though. I was testing scrolling in Ionic’s codepen and since it was working I totally trashed all my work and implemented Ionic’s codepen into my app. It worked great!

I’m having a different problem with ionicSlideBoxDelegate now but at least the scrolling is working.

I’ll post in your thread too.