Scrolling above Leaflet map

<div class="list card">
 <div class="item item-text-wrap">
     <leaflet id="mymap" defaults="defaults"></leaflet>

I have the above code, and I have disabled dragging for the map. In the web browser, I can use my finger to scroll above the map in order to scroll down or up on the page, but on mobile device, trying to scroll above the map does not work at all…

EDIT: Basically the scroll event that happen above this map is not propagated to the parent, and I know that this behaviour is intended by Leaflet. But how do I fix this?


please read

<div class="list card">
   <div class="item item-text-wrap"  data-tap-disabled="true">
       <leaflet id="mymap" defaults="defaults"></leaflet>

Thanks, I added the data-tap-disabled but the problem still remains…