Scroll donot update (IOS, Android apps)

Hi all,

my scroll do not update height on ios(6.1) and android(4.2.2). I build with cordova 3.3.0
(mobilesite are working)

I am using: overflow-scroll=“true”

function load more data:

$scope.loadMore = function() {
    $scope.isLoading = true;
    $scope.loadMoreText = "loading...";
    $timeout(function () {
        for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
                name: "item - " + i,
                image: "assets/img/dream.jpg"
        $scope.isLoading = false;
        $scope.loadMoreText = "Show more";
    }, 200);

thank you so much,

have anyone same problem?

How to fix this issues? thank you!