Running Ionic 2 app as public web app

I want to start a new app that should run on three platforms: iOS, Android and web (public, non-dev version).

I read some posts about running an Ionic app as a web app but there was nothing official. The docs at are saying: “Run ionic platform add $platform to add a specific platform, where $platform can be either ios or android” although, according to some posts in this forum, it seems possible to also add “browser” as platform.

Is there already an announcement about real browser support?


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It’s something that is like 50% completed. There’s still a good amount of work that we need to do to make it something that we can use and tell people about .

Hey Mike, thank you very much for your open answer!

Do you expect the feature to be finished for the final version of Ionic 2? (When is v2 expected to be release? ;-)) Is it already generally usable but has issues in some circumstances or not usable at all? Can you share already how this feature will be used? Eg. add platform and ready to roll or is there still more work needed?

Those are a lot of questions and I understand that some answers on this should not yet be publicly since they could change. I appreciate any answer and information you can already share, knowing that everything might change.

Thank you!