[RESOLVED] Option button disappearing in Android 4.1.2

Does anyone having the same or related issues about it? This is a regular ion-list with regular option buttons. I am using Beta 13. Note that testing the same app in an Android 4.4.4 everything works fine. The image and the code are:

<ion-view title='{{resumeTitle()}}'>
<ion-header-bar align-title="center" class="bar-subheader positive-bg">
	<a class="button button-icon icon ion-ios7-personadd button-positive" ng-click="modal.show()"></a>
	<h1 class="title light">{{saleClient ? "Cliente: " + saleClient.name : "Escolha o cliente (opcional)"}}</h1>
	<a class="button button-icon icon ion-ios7-close-empty button-positive" ng-click="unsetSaleClient()"></a>
<ion-content padding="false" has-bouncing="true" class="has-footer">
		<ion-item ng-repeat="resumeItem in resumeItens" class="item-energized" style="backgroud-color:#FFFF">
			<p>R$ {{resumeItem.price}}</p>
			<span class="badge badge-positive">{{resumeItem.qtd}}</span>
			<ion-option-button ng-click="increaseQtd(resumeItem)"><i class="button-icon icon ion-chevron-up positive vertical-center"></i></ion-option-button>
			<ion-option-button ng-click="decreaseQtd(resumeItem)"><i class="button-icon icon ion-chevron-down energized vertical-center"></i></ion-option-button>
			<ion-option-button ng-click="remove_item(resumeItem)"><i class="button-icon icon ion-minus-circled assertive vertical-center"></i></ion-option-button>
<button class="button button-large button-full button-positive hide-on-keyboard-open" 
    	style="position: absolute; 
				bottom: 0px; 
				width: 100%; 
				margin-bottom: 0px;"
        <img src="icons/checkout_icon.svg" class="img-create-button">

For the record, some parts in code are in portuguese, cuz I’m working from Brazil. :smile:

Problem solved. I created a css to centralize the icon in option buttons and worked like a charm in my Moto X 4.4.4. But in 4.1.X the CSS didn’t worked at all. I’ve upgraded to beta 14 and, by default, the buttons are centralized. Besides that, I removed the “” and used button classes.