Questions: Ionic, Material and Polymer. Confusion?

Yeah, it seems that the directive is problematic on mobile devices once compiled. Maybe using crosswalk will help, but a probable rewrite of the directive couldn’t hurt.

@mhartington — Mike, why is hammer.js a requirement? Doesn"t ionic already takes a care of touch events?

Am trying to build an app(Employee effort tracking system) using ionicframework need an helping hand pls. Thank you.

@bonatoque Ionic does include hammer.js built in but its setup for private methods.

Note, that material just removed hammer.js as a requirement

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@mhartington Does that mean to include ngMaterial on Ionic Project doesn’t require “hammer.js” to get it working?

After some rough tests (copy-pasting angular-material components directly into the ionic “tabs” starter templates to see how they react), I must say that Ionic + angular-material are pure bliss.

It’s almost like we’re moving forward to a time when medium-skilled angular devs are going to simply develop instead of losing time (and the designers time) prototyping.

Once you get a grasp on ng-animate and ui-router, and play with CSS keyframes, it’s easy to replicate the eye-candy full interface transitions (growing navbars, etc) of the official material design videos. We’re still in need of a good ng module that would be fed with a list of the UI components, with separated, modular animations for each one of them, and triggered by context/state/route.

P.S. : Get Genymotion and use it instead of the Android SDK. Do yourself a favour.

I think it’s the case.

From what I understand, hammer.js is under the hood of ionic, so we’re talking about material design requiring hammer.js.

But like Mike posted, the latest angular-material now has its own mechanism. So yes, I think hammer.js reference can be commented. A/B test to be sure.

HI @bonatoque,

I included the latest ‘ng-material’ files on the Ionic Project and it doesn’t recognise touch inputs to navigate or so. Did you have a similar experience? And,also excluding ‘hammer.js’ doesn’t work .

I noticed something odd.

With the latest release, something breaks without even a console warning or error. The page stays blank.
When trying to install the latest angular-material frow the Ionic CLI, or directly through bower, it didn’t work for me. So for the moment, I keep hammer.js

What works for the moment is a manual installation of angular-material assets, at version 0.7.0

Ionic files are at version v1.0.0-beta.14.

Use Ionic View (if you have an iOS device) to check a pretty ugly but functional demo of it : the app’s id is 668a6d6b.

Maybe you should open a new thread, since the title and the subject here are too vague.
Without console errors, it’s hard to determine what does not work with the latest version.
Is it a problem with Ionic or angular-material ?

I’ll try some sandboxes with different versions to understand exactly at which version things break. In the meantime, it would be great to have a dedicated thread about this issue. Maybe also some issue posting on both githubs.

Angular Material seems to conflict with Ionic from 0.7.1 (the hammer js removal)

See also :

and also

Will be included into Ionic?

If you have not checked, try this.

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