Question regarding app structure with sibling components to Nav

Hi @kemalcany!

This is probably way too complicated for me at the moment (I’m still a beginner really) but I’ve been reading some very interesting discussions around similar topics that I’m not sure if you’ve had a chance to review.

There are a couple of ways to approach this I think, going on established development practices. However, a lot of the discussions I have read talk about saving module states in the background of a mobile OS when a user navigates away from an app.

Something like this: Saving And Restoring Navigation Stack (And Other App State) Between Sessions

I guess the logical way to do this (from what I know) you could save the map component state to a database and then reload it with onPageDidEnter when the Map item is selected again from your nav. Based on app functionality, I think your first option is probably the more user-friendly way of structuring…

Hope this gives you some ideas. I’m still reading into this subject so if I find something else I think might be useful I’ll drop it in for you.