Push Notifications in Android App

Hi mrvamsidhar
I have try implement angular-phonegap-push-notification but I got trouble, could you please help me.
I got result “undefined” of push.registerPush

Hi guys

Does anyone know if it’s possible to use $cordovaPush (from ngCordova) with the OpenShift/Aerogear online cartridge?


Hello, everyone, I’m loving the ionic framework, but I am a beginner in mobile and angularjs, and I wonder how do I use the plugin push notification of ngCordova?
I intend to use with Parse Push. And I found no tutorial explaining how to implement push in ionic

ngCordova provides a wrapper around the popular PushPlugin. PushPlugin uses the appropriate mechanism for the platform its running on. For Android that would be GCM (Google Cloud Messaging). Presumably for Parse, you would need to implement whatever the Parse API gives you and let that handle the push. My initial Googling found several Parse plugins out there.

Also see https://parse.com/questions/send-push-notifications-using-javascript


Has anyone successfully implemented Parse Notifications API?
I need to add notification event listeners in Angular JS .

Regarding problem of accessing $rootScope or angular services from within the push callback: I ended up using ngCordova (http://ngcordova.com/docs/plugins/pushNotifications/). In my case, I $broadcast an event to update application state. But be careful: examples are very poor, syntax errors and logical failures …

Yes - I took this updated Parse plugin for Cordova and modified it slightly to do what I wanted it to: https://github.com/ghmeier/phonegap-parse-plugin

Looks like there are other updated versions that people are using as well: https://github.com/avivais/phonegap-parse-plugin/network

plugin for avivais make ionic cannot build.

I fix on mine for Android Only.

Anybody know how to fix for the ios?

I use your plugin but i get an error when i build in android :

error: cannot access Task ParseInstallation.getCurrentInstallation().saveInBackground();
class file for bolts.Task not found

Could you help me to solve it?

Sorry guys. I discontinued my repo. Now i use PushWoosh superb reliable!

I made a simple tutorial about real iOS Push Notifications with Ionic using the awesome Ionic Push service. It’s a very clear and a bit tricky process, but my video shows how to get it working!

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I have same problem with android.
I initiate push object on user login to app. Then i register it and save token. Everything works well. When app inactive then i get notification and when app is active its call onNotification method.
But when i destroy my application and turn it again onNotification is not called and i get notifications only in top notifications section. So when i register it again on resume evertything works. How does push notification process works at all?

i know the server apps for native, but i dont see server apps for that apps, where your reference for that ionic apps? sory for my bad english…

Hello @mhartington now we are using
$scope.$on('cloud:push:notification', function(event, data) { CODE }); for push notifications
now what happens that, push notification is receiving, when user click on push notification app opens and Code is working,

but when push notification is received, but instead clicking on push notification user opens app directly. so CODE written on that code doesn’t works.

any idea about this.