Push notification if cordova.geolocation, Location is disable in android or ios mobile

Hi Friends,
I am using ngCordova. Where I installed cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-geolocation.

var posOptions = {timeout: 10000, enableHighAccuracy: false};
$scope.cLoc = $cordovaGeolocation;
$cordovaGeolocation.getCurrentPosition(posOptions).then(function (position) {
$scope.lat = position.coords.latitude
$scope.long = position.coords.longitude
}, function(err) {
$scope.err1 = err;

        var watchOptions = {
            frequency : 1000,
            timeout : 3000,
            enableHighAccuracy: true // may cause errors if true

        var watch = $cordovaGeolocation.watchPosition(watchOptions);
        watch.then(null,function(err) {
            $scope.err2 = err;
        function(position) {
            $scope.latWatch  = position.coords.latitude
            $scope.longWatch = position.coords.longitude
        *alert("Geolocation off");*

So how can we find. Location service on/off in Mobile device. If it off. How to re-direct into setting-> location for enable the services.