Problem with double page and dialogs

Hey, I have problem with my sample app and dobule pages. I created sample menu app. On page2 i added button with function:

public addTask = function() : void {
    .then(() => {
        // first we find the index of the current view controller:
        const index = this.viewCtrl.index;
        // then we remove it from the navigation stack

Its open new page where i have map and on long click event on map object, where dialog form is open: => {
              Dialogs.confirm("test", "test", ["OK", "Cancel"]).
           then((choosen) => {
        if (choosen == 1) {
          this.navCtrl.push(AddTask2, {
            locations: this.choosenLocation

Dialog form are showed and when i press ok i go to next page.
On the final page i have function to save task and redirect to my list - page2:


Everything works fine when i doing it for first time. When i press add button on my list and after that fire long click event on map i have 2 same dialogs form, and next time i have 3, 4 etc.

Anyone have idead how to resolve this issue?