Problem loading external images in android and ios

first let me tell that I don´t know if this is a stenciljs question or capacitor question
I’m trying to build a stencil + capacitor app.
In my backend I’m using WP REST API

I have one component that shows the images from the wp site looking like this

   prop_url="" // I pass the url to the cmp
      <div class="category">
         <img src="" alt="" srcset=""> // showing it here

In @Prop() prop_url I get the url to the component and then I show it via an tag
In the localhost environment I have no problem with this.
But in android and xcode I can´t see the images and I don´t see nothing in the debugging consoles on their respectives IDE’s.

I have search on google but nothing with the same issue appear

There is any conflict on loading the images from external sources? there is any way to do it?
thank you!

there are no problems at all loading images from external sites (I usually load my assets on an external site to decrease my app’s size).

if you inspect the real device, what you have on prop_url, when you don’t see nothing? a broken link or a correct one?