Previous Page's Background Image is visible when routing to the new page

Page 1

    <ion-content :scroll="false" :fullscreen="true">
            <ion-col class="min-vh-50 hero-image-container ion-padding" size="12"></ion-col>

Page 1 CSS

    min-height: calc(50vh - 32px);
    background-position: center;
    background-size: cover;
    background-image: url('../assets/heroImage.png');

Welcome! To clarify, you are wanting the image to not be visible at all during the transition from page 1 to page 2?

Can you provide your full code of page 1 and page 2?

Page 1

    <ion-content :scroll="false" :fullscreen="true">
        <ion-col class="min-vh-50 hero-image-container ion-padding" size="12">
            <h6 class="ion-text-uppercase text-white font-w-9 font-size-24">
              Personalize your rozkhail

          <ion-text color="light ">
            <h6 class="font-size-14">
              Bring your teams, players and competition as close as possible
          class="ion-padding login-btns-container flex flex-col min-vh-50 ion-text-center gap-24"
          <ion-button expand="block" size="large" class="google-btn">
            <div class="w-full flex ion-justify-content-between">
              <span>Continue with Google</span>
              <ion-icon :icon="logoGoogle"></ion-icon>

          <ion-text color="light"
            >------------------- or -------------------</ion-text

          <div class="flex flex-col gap-8">
              Create an account

            <ion-button expand="block" size="large" color="dark">

import { defineComponent } from 'vue';
import { IonIcon,IonButton,IonCol,IonRow,IonPage,IonContent,IonText } from '@ionic/vue';
import { logoGoogle } from 'ionicons/icons';
import { useRouter } from 'vue-router';

export default defineComponent({
  name: 'WelcomeView',
        const router = useRouter();

        return {logoGoogle,router}

<style scoped>
.min-vh-50 {
  min-height: calc(50vh - 32px);
.hero-image-container {
  background-position: center;
  background-size: cover;
  background-image: url("../assets/heroImage.png");
.google-btn {
  --background: #3a81e1;
  --background-hover: #1e63be;
  --background-activated: #1e63be;
  --background-focused: #1e63be;
  --color: white;

Page 2

    <base-appbar :title="'create your rozkhail account'" />
    <ion-content class="ion-padding">
      <ion-list class="flex flex-col gap-12">
          label="YOUR EMAIL"
          placeholder="Enter your email"
          label="YOUR PASSWORD"
          placeholder="Enter your password"
    <base-fab-footer @fabClicked="router.push({name:'setup.user.welcome'})" />

import { IonPage,IonList,IonContent} from '@ionic/vue';
import {defineComponent, ref} from "vue";
import {useRouter} from "vue-router";
import {chevronForward} from "ionicons/icons"
import BaseAppbar from '@/components/baseAppbar.vue';
import BaseFabFooter from '@/components/baseFabFooter.vue';
import BaseInput from '@/components/baseInput.vue';
export default defineComponent({
components:{IonPage,IonContent,IonList,BaseAppbar, BaseFabFooter, BaseInput},
    const router = useRouter();
    const email=ref('');
    const password=ref('');

return {


Yes, I want the image to not be visible at all during the transition from page 1 to page 2?

Hmmm…I am not seeing anything wrong with your code. Your video looks to be the standard transition, just slower than normal.

I am curious what the base-appbar looks like. Could you share your code for that? I’ve had some weird transition issues in IonHeader when not everything was wrapped in an IonToolbar.

A code repo or StackBlitz replication of the issue would be helpful too.

A custom transition could be set too but there does seem to be something else going on here.