PouchDB sync

Hey folks,

I got a problem with PouchDB.

I have a local PouchDB and a remote CouchDB containing up to 4000 items. Connecting and fetching does work well, but on a mobile the inital sync does take a little bit longer and I want to start a bunch of functions after the initial sync, but for some reason the “complete” event is not beeing fired - only if I would set “live” to false within the options object.

Here is what I do:

this.products = new PouchDB('products');

let options = {
  live: true,
  retry: true,
  continuous: true,
  batch_size: 100, batches_limit: 30

this.products.sync("http://some-server:5984/some-db", options);

…and that’s what I would like to do, but the event “complete” is not getting fired for some reason :frowning:

this.products = new PouchDB('products');

let options = {
  live: true,
  retry: true,
  continuous: true,
  batch_size: 100, batches_limit: 30

this.products.sync("http://some-server:5984/some-db", options).on('complete', function() {
	this.getProductsDocuments().then(function() {

Does anyone have a glue what I have to do? I just followed the API, but no success at all :frowning:
