Plugins does not exist

I love you tobbe <3 cordova 6.5.0 ionic 2.2.1

I faced same issue for IOS.

I just removed ios platform and again added it worked for me

I think I caught the error in 2021: basically when you add a new plugin via npm it doesn’t download required dependencies. This is the case of HTTP Native which requires Cordova-plugin-file.
In fact after removing iOS platform and exec β€œionic capacitor add ios” this is the output:

βœ” add in 19.25ms
βœ” Copying web assets from www to ios/App/public in 349.22ms
βœ” Copying native bridge in 4.05ms
βœ” Copying capacitor.config.json in 2.00ms
  Found 3 Cordova plugins for ios (2.1.0)
    com.paypal.cordova.mobilesdk (3.5.0)
    cordova-plugin-advanced-http (3.1.0)
βœ” copy in 446.20ms
βœ” Updating iOS plugins in 13.57ms
  Found 0 Capacitor plugins for ios:
[info] installing missing dependency plugin cordova-plugin-file
βœ” Updating iOS plugins in 20.76ms
  Found 4 Cordova plugins for ios (2.1.0)
    com.paypal.cordova.mobilesdk (3.5.0)
    cordova-plugin-advanced-http (3.1.0)
    cordova-plugin-file (6.0.2)
βœ” Updating iOS native dependencies with "pod install" (may take several minutes) in 4.81s
βœ” update ios in 13.64s

look [info].
