Plugin directives in IonicPopup

Hello! Sorry for my bad English, but I have a problem.

I have two < timer > directives (plugin “Angular Timer”). One in some div and other in IonicPopup creating from templateUrl in this div.

<ion-content id="main" ng-controller="TimerCtrl" scroll="false">
        <div class="row">
            <div class="col col-50 col-offset-25"><h1 id="timer"><timer autostart="false" interval="1000" finish-callback="timeoutRollPopup()" countdown="3">{{mminutes}}:{{sseconds}}</timer></h1></div>
        <div class="row">
            <div id="buttons" class="col col-50 col-offset-25"><button class="button icon-left ion-clock button-positive" ng-click="startStopTimer()" id="control-button">Старт</button></div>
        <script id="roll-timer-popup.html" type="text/ng-template">
            <div style="text-align:center;"><h3><timer autostart="false" interval="1000" countdown="5" id="timer2">{{mminutes}}:{{sseconds}}</timer></h3></div>

I can’t start timer from ionicPopup in my controller because angular don’t see it. This code return error like “object does not exist”:


If I place timer to simple div it’s works!

<div class="col col-50 col-offset-25"><h1 id="timer"><timer autostart="false" interval="1000" finish-callback="timeoutRollPopup()" countdown="3">{{mminutes}}:{{sseconds}}</timer></h1></div>

Function which must start timer in ionicPopup:

angular.module('xxx', ['ionic', 'timer'])
.controller('TimerCtrl', function($scope, $document, $ionicPopup, $timeout, $interval) {
showRollPopup = function() {
    var alertPopup = ${
        title: 'Title',
        templateUrl: 'roll-timer-popup.html'
    console.log(document.getElementsByTagName('timer')[1]); -- write "undefined"
    $timeout(function() {
    }, 5000);

How can I use custom directives in ionicPopup correctly? Thanks!

ionicframework v1.0.0-beta.14
I am newbie in web apps development :slight_smile: