Please help test: Angular 1.3, improved transitions, cached views (repost)

Sorry, I already described the problem in my earlier post, so I didn’t repeat all the wording:

The problem is the slider content is invisible. In the Plunker you see three slides. They all have content, but it doesn’t show.

if i redefine a ion-nav-bar in detail page , you will see a white flash

here is codepen url , when you click “page 2” button , you can see the bar animation with white flash .
enter link description here

I have just sent out an alpha of my app based on the nightlies to a couple of IOS testers.
It works good enough for alpha on IOS. On Android, unfortunately not so.
The Android build has issues that neither Browser or IOS has.
I can’t show these off without publishing my entire app, so I won’t do that.
But if the dev team is interested, I’d be happy to provide issue reports or .apk for testing.
If so please PM me!

Infinite scroll still doesn’t show up when is being used with collection-repeat.

Is the expose-aside-when directive broken since the latest nightlies?

Left menu is not showing:

And I am getting an error in the logs:
Error: self.content is undefined

There seems to be a bug with caching. I’ve got a view that is marked as not cached in the state and in the ion-view. Despite this, it remains cached. This has existed since at least 845 and is still present in 872.


.state('login', {
  url: '/login',
  cache : 'false',
  templateUrl: 'onboard/login.html',
  controller: 'LoginController as lCtrl'


<ion-view class="bubble-background" cache-view="false">

For now, I’m preventing the login details from being cached by using the `$ionicView.

Here is a very simple CodePen that demonstrates the problem :

The sign-in state is configured to not be cached. However, if you use the inspector, you will see that it stays in the DOM.

it’s a bit different from my real world example though. On this one, when you tab Sign-Out in the tab, the controller is reinitialized. On my app, the controller is not reinitialized.

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In beta 14 bouncing loader will be fixed?
Thanks !

I think I’v figured out the bug with scroll and transition between states.

One of my views (X) has on-scroll directive.
If I go to other state while X is being scrolled the function that is called by on-scroll directive is still being executed.

You may want to ask this in a new forum post, a bit off topic.

Do you have a codepen demonstrating this?

Can you provide an example of this @Ross?

@prateeksach do you have a codepen of the pager issue?

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Sorry to be a pain but we’re pretty close to getting everything wrapped up for a new version. @adam @mhartington. Did anyone get a chance to look at the codepen with using $getByHandle inside a modal created in a service?

It’s the last major problem on the list for us. If it’s not going to be fixed in ionic I’ll need to find a workaround, some advice on the correct way to achieve what I’m looking to do would be greatly appreciated!

@wedgybo You need to use the scope of the active view. Here’s an update of your codepen that changed how your factory worked, by passing in the calling controller’s scope:

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Legend! Makes sense. Time to do a little refactoring. Cheers @adam

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Hey @pjusto, so the wobbling icons are going to be a tough thing to fix.
Since they’re font-icons, they have to deal with each platforms text rendering engine.
So a fix for one version of android will break another version.

We’re looking for another solution for animated icons, where we can get performant animated svgs, and not have any wobbling :smile:

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Seems this existed in beta 13 as well. Looking into this.

I’m getting a kind of error with infinite-scroll, seems like the event to load more content is been fired twice, I’ll made a codepen to check it.

@Calendee Thanks for the report, that helped pinpoint an issue where views would still be cached when going between histories and to a different ion-nav-view. Should be fixed as of build 873. Thanks!

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Hey @adam, quick question. So is it not possible to attach an ionicModal to the rootScope to be able to access it from all pages/controllers (its a heavy modal so I don’t want each controller to create its own and the factory seems to create a new modal for each tab)?

Your current factory codepen works fine but when I do a slide box in a modal attached to rootScope, then the $getByHandle for the slide box doesnt (same problem as wedgybo)

One major issue that I see with this update is that ui-router has stopped working for me.
Both using ui-sref and $state.go , when I change a state the hash tag changes but there is no actual transition.
Unless I reload the page to have it load in the new state.