On-hold and on-release on samsung s6

I don’t have idea why on-hold=“recordAudio()” on-release=“recordStop()” is not working on samsung S6 device.

Please anyone can guide me what could be a reason.

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Thanks for your suggestion. But question was simple on-hold (http://ionicframework.com/docs/api/directive/onHold/) feature is not working on Samsung S6 device (OS is v5.1.1 Lollipop).
I wan to start audio recording when user hold on any button and it’s working fine on other devices with the same os v5.1.1. But on Samsung S6, it’s not working. I am looking for any idea or suggestion in case anything is from framework side.

I got some clue in this, in Lollipop there is a provision to enable “View attribute inspection” under the developer option when I enabled this then on-hole functionality working. Any idea why this is happening.
Because by default it’s off and hard to convey users to enable this.