Not ranging Ibeacons when bluetooth connectivity is lost and on again

I’m trying this plugin on an android device and I have this scenario:

-If the app starts with bluetooth connectivity the plugin ranging correctly beacons
-If I switch off the bluetooth connectivity (from the notification and toggles on top) and then on again the plugin not ranging the beacons, returning beacons array empty
-If I change to other page and then return to the beacons page it not work
-If I restart the app it works again

Other scenario:

-I start the app with bluetooth off
-I switch on the bluetooth connectivity (from the notification and toggles on top)
-It works correctly

I’ve tried when detects that the bluetooth is disabled to unsuscribe the didRangeBeaconsInRegion and stop ranging beacon, then subscribe and start rangin again but this not work.

EDIT: On Android 6.0 works correctly. The problem is on Android 7 version

ionic 3.6 and android 7.0

Someone that dis worked with this library?