Noone replies my question :)

So let’s have a look at your topics:
Profile - rashnk - Ionic Forum

I see only two with no replies at all. Let’s look at them:

1 sentence, no question mark, no context, Ionic v1 which most people here don’t use any more. Why should I now create a v1 project, find out what “ionic build” is and see if --prod does anything? Nah…

More text this time, first sentence acknowledges that this was covered a dozen times. It doesn’t link to any of them. It mentions a blog post, doesn’t link to it. I think it quotes something from that blog post, but I am not sure if this maybe is your own writing. Then you mention people of the Ionic team that have absolutely nothing to do with your topic (which is highly impolite).

That is why someone might not want to reply to these two topics.