ngFor Not Updating

i have seen that behavior also… i believe there are some issues in the RC0 release


Same issue for me. Have you found any reasoning?

I found a similar problem in my code (RC0 release).
private updated = new BehaviorSubject(false);
updated$ = this.updated.asObservable();

update() {;

initListeners() {
  this.myObject.on('chat', c => {
        console.log('onChat', c);

In another class I subscribe to the Observable and update an array which is looped through using ngFor.

    public navCtrl: NavController,
    private service: MyService
  ) {}
  ngOnInit() {
    this.subscription = this.service.updated$
       .subscribe(updated => this.chatList = updated ? this.service.getChatList() : []);
  ngOnDestroy() {
    // prevent memory leak when component is destroyed

<ion-content *ngIf=“chatList”>

<chat-list-item *ngFor=“let chat of chatList” (click)=“openChat(chat)”

In my case, the array would successfully update but the view in the ngFor loop would not be updated unless some other action eg. click, triggered an update.
After searching and doing quite a bit of reading and landing here I realized in my case it was due to the call back being run within the javascript object (myObject) which was attached to my service. In a case such as this, it is vital that is used to ensure that the procedure call is made in the Angular zone to ensure updates propogate to DOM view changes.

####service.ts (edited)
constructor(private zone: NgZone) {

this.myObject.on(‘chat’, c => {
console.log(‘onChat’, c); => this.update());