I’m looking to give the selected="selected" value to an <option> in my ng-repeat list based on a secondary variable that I’m creating, which stores the selected option value that was passed previously.
So I have a service that returns var things =[] to populate a select list. I submit the values which then goes to another controller to show detail on your current selection. And when going back to the page (with the select lists) I want to apply the previously submitted values to now be the current selectd item.
I pass the value of the selected list item to the same service and store in var currentparams =[] where my data in currentparams may hold the values from option1 (below) or option2 (not shown but similar treatment) as {"option1":"mythingvalue", "option2":"myotherthingvaluenotshown"}
<select name="option1" data-ng-model="param_thing">
<option data-ng-repeat="thing in things" value="{{thing.id}}" data-ng-bind-html="thing.name"></option>
So how do I then iterate within that list to compare if the value of {{thing.id}} matches option1:mythingvalue?
Which does indeed set the test2 as the selected option. Great.
HOWEVER on my dynamic list, if I manually set $scope.model_name = "value i want selected" in the controller; it builds the list and doesn’t apply the selected value. (I would assume because ng-repeat is fired after the $scope.model_name = "value", meaning that it wasn’t applied or didn’t exist at the time and is thus ignored one way or the other)