Next/Prev Item in ng-repeat (change dynamic link?)

i use this concept:

I would like insert two button in detail state. These buttons control the list ( < prev or next > ).

$scope.nextitem = function(){
	n = n+1;
        $scope.todo = todos[n];

The problem: in the detail view are data (from json) and comment button, and if i click nextitem button, data changed, but if i click comment button, this show the first clicked item comment, not the nextitem (solution maybe change dynamic url??)

or how to use next and prev item?


i create a sample page (in array are three item):

in the heading of browser nothing changed when i use first element of list and use the next button (only data changed), so this is my problem

this is array:

            id: '1',
            name: 'Pick up apples',
            done: false
            id: '2',
            name: 'Mow the lawn',
            done: true
            id: '3',
            name: 'Pancake',
            done: true

click Pick up apples - address bar display 1
click Mow the lawn - address bar display 2
click Pancake - address bar display 3


click Pick up apples - address bar display 1
here clicked a next button - display Mow the lawn - address bar display 1
clicked a next button - display Pancake - address bar display 1

how to change this?

Here is the solution in this situation:
var n = 0;
var next_item = “”;

//act_url = :todoID (actual url)
var act_url = $stateParams.todoId;

//Actual item [key] 
angular.forEach(TodosService.todos, function(todo, key) {
  if ( === act_url) {
    n = key;

//next button
$ = function (){
  n = n + 1 ;
  next_item = TodosService.todos[n];
  $state.go('todo', { todoId: });