Newbie here - Ionic not fully installed?

Don’t know what is happening here, since i’m new on this framework.
So, as you can see in the screenshot, i try to install the latest version of Ionic but i get two warnings and at the botton of the log, it says:

  • cordova@8.0.0
  • ionic@3.19.1
    added 661 packages in 224.246s
    but i’m not able to start the app. what do i do?

One funny thing, i try to install cordova and ionic separately and i got more warnings from ionic and a bunch of erros from Cordova. but one thing at a time, right? :slight_smile:


picture isn’t readable.

The warnings of optional dependencies can ignored.

If installation gone wrong, remove everything and install it like in descriped.

Best regards, anna-liebt

Restart your commandline after you’ve installed ionic and cordova.
Sometimes they can’t find a new command just after installing it (without a restart)