New user of Ionic 5 Angular 9 need help with code splitting

Hi :alien:

This is my first post on the Ionic forum. I try to create a mobile app for my website in Ionic 5 angular 9. I have created a new page in my ionic app. So I got a new folder with those files

  • MYSITE-routing.module.ts
  • MYSITE.module.ts

I would like to add fallowing script into my Ionic app:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
  <script type="module" src=""></script>
  <script nomodule src=""></script>
    :root {
      --ion-safe-area-top: 20px;
      --ion-safe-area-bottom: 22px;
 <ion-content fullscreen class="ion-padding">
      <ion-button onclick="openPicker()">MY_BUTTON_TO_CLICK</ion-button>    

    const pickerController = document.querySelector('ion-picker-controller');
    const MY_BUTTON_TO_CLICK = [

 async function openPicker(numColumns = 1, numOptions = 5, columnOptions = MY_BUTTON_TO_CLICK){
      const picker = await pickerController.create({
        columns: this.getColumns(numColumns, numOptions, columnOptions),
        buttons: [
            text: 'Cancel',
            role: 'cancel'
            text: 'Confirm',
            handler: (value) => {
              console.log(`Got Value ${value}`);

      await picker.present();

   function getColumns(numColumns, numOptions, columnOptions) {
      let columns = [];
      for (let i = 0; i < numColumns; i++) {
          name: `col-${i}`,
          options: this.getColumnOptions(i, numOptions, columnOptions)

      return columns;

    function getColumnOptions(columnIndex, numOptions, columnOptions) {
      let options = [];
      for (let i = 0; i < numOptions; i++) {
          text: columnOptions[columnIndex][i % numOptions],
          value: i

      return options;

let’s say that is easy but I m a new user of Ionic 5 Angular 9 so for that reason I need Your advice. When I copy and past into the script doesn’t work. I think that i need to slice this file into 2 or 3 smaller files.

I think to past this code into

 <ion-content fullscreen class="ion-padding">
      <ion-button onclick="openPicker()">MY_BUTTON_TO_CLICK</ion-button>    

and the rest of it, I mean <script> ...</script> i have to copy and past into … I dont know where ?

  • MYSITE.module.ts

Can anybody help me with this junior-level inquiries?