Need help on an Input form method

I’m using Firebase Database for the products

     "standardOptions" : [ {
    "name" : "Pepsi",
    "selected" : false
  }, {
    "name" : "Miranda",
    "selected" : false
  }, {
    "name" : "7up",
    "selected" : false
  }, {
    "name" : "Iced Tea",
    "selected" : false
  } ],

Now my form and controller are meant to read from those

<ion-item class="item-toggle" ng-repeat="option in vm.product.extraOptions">
					{{}}: {{option.value | currency : (option.currency || 'LL ') : 0}}
					<label class="toggle">
						<input type="checkbox" ng-model="option.selected">
						<div class="track">
							<div class="handle"></div>

If we take a Pizza Model with Tomatoes, Onions, Olives …

The client would then be faced with a pretty long list of options instead i want a 3 way checkbox or radio box on one line not in a list [col-33] with none, less, more…

some items do not have this in particular like the Soft Drinks for instance

how can I introduce per ingredient (specific) models (arrays)
------------ Maybe series of arrays that checks the option name string If Tomato use this array type of thing

I would really appreciate some help
Thanking you in advance,