Mystery Warning: This function has been deprecated in favor of IonicCordova.getAppDetails

This function has been deprecated in favor of IonicCordova.getAppDetails.
IonicCordova.getAppInfo @ common.js:1287

This is only happening when we deploy to a device and then monitor the app in the “chrome://inspect/#devices” console. This warning does not show when running ionic serve and debugging in Chrome.
The code printing this is either in plugins/cordova-plugin-ionic/dist/common.js , line 1286,
or plugins/cordova-plugin-ionic/www/common.ts , line 791.

var IonicCordova = /** @class */ (function () {
    function IonicCordova() {
        this.deploy = new IonicDeploy(this);
    IonicCordova.prototype.getAppInfo = function (success, failure) {
        console.warn('This function has been deprecated in favor of IonicCordova.getAppDetails.');
        this.getAppDetails().then(function (result) { return success(result); }, function (err) {
            typeof err === 'string' ? failure(err) : failure(err.message);
    IonicCordova.prototype.getAppDetails = function () {
        return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
            return __generator(this, function (_a) {
                return [2 /*return*/, new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
                        cordova.exec(resolve, reject, 'IonicCordovaCommon', 'getAppInfo');
    return IonicCordova;