Multi selection for IonRadioGroup problem

Hi, I made the following data structure mocking how the the admin user will add options for a new item

type OptionValues={ val:string,price:number}
  type Option = {
    optionName: string;
    optionValues: OptionValues[];

example if the admin is adding meal and want to add options of size, sides and sauce there would be an array holding multiple entries like the following

              val: "Small",
              price: 0            
              val: "medium",
              price: 5
              val: "Large",
              price: 10
          val: "rice",
          price: 0
            val: "bread",
            price: 5
            val: "potatos",
            price: 10
          val: "bbq",
          price: 0
            val: "mild",
            price: 5
            val: "spicy mayo",
            price: 10

this will go into my ItemContainer component that renders a single item with the options and this is how I call it where items here is the raw data passes as a prop called options

<ItemContainer catName={"Fish"} itemImage={food} itemPrice={90} options={items}/>

inside ItemContainer I have defined a useState as instructed in the Docs but I made it an array to hold multiple selections.

const [useSelected, setSelected] = useState<string[]>([]);

Now, I understand that in theory I need to map through options first then inside that map I need to map again but for the sake of simplicity I hard coded the end result with magic numbers to demonstrate what I want to achieve so I skipped mapping through options and just wrote the three entries like that but mapped through each one

  <IonRadioGroup  value={useSelected[0]} onIonChange={(e: any)=>{setSelected([e.detail.value,useSelected[1],useSelected[2]])}}>
                 {useItemView[1].state && <div className="choices">

                    props.options[0] => {        
                      return (
                      <IonLabel>{optionValue.val} + {optionValue.price}kwd</IonLabel>
                      <IonRadio  slot="start" value={optionValue.val} />
                      ); } )


                    <IonRadioGroup value={useSelected[1]} onIonChange={(e: any)=>{setSelected([useSelected[0],e.detail.value,useSelected[2]])}}>
                 {useItemView[1].state && <div className="choices">

                    props.options[1] => {        
                      return (
                      <IonLabel>{optionValue.val} + {optionValue.price}kwd</IonLabel>
                      <IonRadio  slot="start" value={optionValue.val} />
                      ); } )


  <IonRadioGroup value={useSelected[2]} onIonChange={(e: any)=>{setSelected([useSelected[0],useSelected[1],e.detail.value])}}>
                 {useItemView[1].state && <div className="choices">

                    props.options[2] => {        
                      return (
                      <IonLabel>{optionValue.val} + {optionValue.price}kwd</IonLabel>
                      <IonRadio  slot="start" value={optionValue.val} />
                      ); } )


This works now I can select a Size, Side and a Sauce for my meal!

I have three questions
a) How to get rid of those magic numbers and map through options to achieve as many results and handle as many entries.
b) What if I want the user to choose one size but must choose two three sides and any number of sauces?
c) As I am new to this technology pleas let me know if I am on right track for best practice here, am I approaching a solution to this problem the right way here?

Note: I also need a way to pass the optionVal.price to the onIonChange function to set the additional charge of the option. I noticed that the only can pass to it what I put into value of

                      <IonRadio  slot="start" value={optionValue.val} />

and I can’t call my setSelectedPrice(optionValue.price)function inside the return for some reason!

thank you

update I reduced the code to one radio group but still it is fixed to 3 inputs. If don’t find a way to implement this I will go full old school and write an algorithm to solve this lol

 {, index) => {
                <IonRadioGroup value={useSelected[index]} onIonChange={(e: any)=>{
                    case 0:  setSelected([e.detail.value,useSelected[1],useSelected[2]]); break;
                    case 1:  setSelected([useSelected[0],e.detail.value,useSelected[2]]); break;
                    case 2:  setSelected([useSelected[0],useSelected[1],e.detail.value]); break;
                 {useItemView[1].state && <div className="choices">

           => {        
                      return (
                      <IonLabel>{optionValue.val} + {optionValue.price}kwd</IonLabel>
                      <IonRadio  slot="start" value={optionValue.val} />
                      ); } )

              ); } )

okay guys thank God I came up with a nice solution for a if anyone is interested

 {, index) => {
                <IonRadioGroup value={useSelected[index]} onIonChange={(e: any)=>{
                  case 0:  setSelected([e.detail.value, ...useSelected.slice(1)]); break;
                  case props.options.length-1:  setSelected([...useSelected.slice(0,props.options.length-1),e.detail.value]); break;
                  default :  setSelected([...useSelected.slice(0,index),e.detail.value,...useSelected.slice(index+1)]); break;
                 {useItemView[1].state && <div className="choices">

           => {        
                      return (
                      <IonLabel>{optionValue.val} + {optionValue.price}kwd</IonLabel>
                      <IonRadio  slot="start" value={optionValue.val} />
                      ); } )

              ); } )

still would love to know best practice.
I will update you with my approach to solve b if I do it