Mixin like compass

I just included Bourbon but I’m not sure about it, if it’s a best practice or not. Therefore I also started a subject about it, see Sass: Including mixing library (Compass, Bourbon, etc.)?

In case you are interested in “how to include Bourbon in a Ionic2 project”, I proceeded like following:

  1. Install Bourbon with npm

     sudo npm install --save bourbon
  2. Modify your gulpfile.js to include the stylesheets/scss files of Bourbon in your project aka overwrite the ‘sass’ task

     gulp.task('sass', function(){
         return buildSass({
             sassOptions: {
                 includePaths: [
  3. In your project’s scss file, include Bourbon

     @import "_bourbon.scss";

And that’s it, seems to work, I was able to code a gradient background for my buttons using the Bourbon’s mixin linear-gradient.