Md-select with search

Hello everyone, i tried to make md-select with search field in ionic 1 but when i click search field md-item suddenly close itself

here my html

**<md-input-container md-no-float class="icon-title">**
**						 <i class="fa fa-edit"></i>**
**						<md-select name="shuttleagen" required ng-model="travel.shuttleagen" interface="action-sheet" aria-label="md-option" ng-change="update()" style="border-bottom:1px solid #3B3837; width:70%; ">**
**							<md-select-header layout="column" class="demo-select-header">**
**								**
**								<md-input-container>**
**									<input ng-model="searchTerm" type="search" **
**									placeholder="Search..."/>**
**								</md-input-container>**
**							</md-select-header>**
**								<md-option value="0" selected="selected">Pilih Agen</md-option>**
**								<md-option ng-repeat="data in travelkd | filter:searchTerm" value="{{data.produk_id}}">{{data.produk_nm}}</md-option>**
**						**
**						</md-select>**
**						**
**					</md-input-container>**

Here My js

var id = $scope.datauser[0].id;
		apiService.getAll('travel',id,0,$scope.offset,$scope.limit).success(function(data) {
			$scope.travelkd = data;
		}).finally(function() {
		  $scope.selected = null;
		  $element.find('input').on('keydown', function(ev) {