I’ve started using masonry with Ionic.
It works pretty good but sometimes (for example when I show a modal windows) the masonry layout breaks and all the card become overlapped (with just a little vertical gap).
I’ve tried to execute a .reloadItem() and .layout() but nothing happen (I suppose is some kind of weird interaction between ionic and masonry, the first using css translate3d and the latter using css positioning [top+left]).
Does anybody use masonry with tabs in Ionic?
Have you experienced any issue?
I am using official masonry library with https://github.com/klederson/angular-masonry-directive
and these are my masonry settings
<div masonry='{ "transitionDuration" : "0.4s" ,
"itemSelector" : ".brick",
"isFitWidth": true}'
<div class="brick-size"></div>
<a masonry-tile class="brick" ng-repeat="item in items" href="#/tab/events/{{item.id}}/">