Making a call

i am learning ionic and i want to make a phone call when i clicked a phone number and it should open a email when i clicked a email from my app…
what is the process of it?? Could anybody help me what to do…

In your config.xml include:

<access launch-external="yes" origin="tel:*" />
<access launch-external="yes" origin="mailto:*" />

In your views do something like:

<a ng-if="" class="ion-ios-telephone external" href="tel:{{ }}"><i class="icon"></i> {{ }}</a>

For email use <a href="mailto:{{ email }}" >{{email}}</a> syntax.

Thanks it help me…
i have another problem in that. When i click the ion-more button on top it appear the popover of edit and delete button and i what to hide that popover by clicking same button. How to do that i have tried lots of function for that. Please help me in that.

see this tutorial here for making phone calls with ionic

I had another problem in that so please help me for hiding the popover that i mention above if you know that.

Just first gues without knowing anything about your app; the button sould toggle a boolean var $scope.seeMyMenu = !$scope.seeMyMenu which will then trigger the popover.