Live Deploy with BYO private repo and build pipeline


We’re evaluating use of Ionic AppFlow’s Live Deploy vs. Microsoft CodePush for our Ionic Angular v4 Cordova app.

One of the seeming advantages about CodePush for our organization is that since we already have a private Git repo and custom build pipeline for our app in Azure DevOps, it’s super easy to add a build step that simply uploads the www directory to CodePush.

With AppFlow we seemingly need to concern ourselves with an additional Git remote repo (hosted by Ionic) to sync changes to, authenticate with via SSH, etc. Then there’s an additional hosted build process which performs a web build (separate from our normal build pipeline) which would have to build our code an additional time and seems to lack much in the way of customization.

Does anyone know if there is an option that works more like CodePush where you can use your own private repo and build pipeline and simply upload the www directory to AppFlow? The AppFlow docs and Ionic Hub do not seem to indicate that this is an option but I thought I would ask.

Thank you!
