Linking to another tabs sub page doesn't allow tab to go to main page

Here is a bit of my structure.

Tab Home
Tab Closure
| - Inside Page 1
Tab Progress
Tab Resources
| - Inside Page 2

My first problem is when clicking to “Inside Page 2” from the home screen the back button doesn’t show. That’s fine (for me at least, not sure about project owners). My other problem is when I click on the parent tab, Resources, it will not take me to that view. It only shows “Inside Page 2”.

Here are my states for that inside page and the main tab page.

.state('tab.resources', {
    url: '/resources',
    views: {
        'tab-resources': {
            templateUrl: 'templates/tab-resources.html',
            controller: 'NothingCtrl'

.state('', {
    url: '/social',
    views: {
        'tab-resources@tab': {
            templateUrl: 'templates/resources/social.html',
            controller: 'SocialCtrl'

Also adding that I use ui-sref. So here is my tabs.html.

<ion-tabs class="tabs-icon-top tabs-color-active-positive">

    <!-- Home Tab -->
    <ion-tab title="Home" icon="mb-icon icon-home" ui-sref="tab.home">
        <ion-nav-view name="tab-home"></ion-nav-view>

    <!-- Closures Tab -->
    <ion-tab title="Closures" icon="mb-icon icon-closures" ui-sref="tab.closures">
        <ion-nav-view name="tab-closures"></ion-nav-view>

    <!-- Progress Tab -->
    <ion-tab title="Progress" icon="mb-icon icon-progress" ui-sref="tab.progress">
        <ion-nav-view name="tab-progress"></ion-nav-view>

    <!-- Resources Tab -->
    <ion-tab title="Resources" icon="mb-icon icon-resources" ui-sref="tab.resources">
        <ion-nav-view name="tab-resources"></ion-nav-view>


Did you ever figure this one out?