Latest nightly build breaks my transitions

After upgrading to the latest nightly build, transitioning from one page to another freezes the app. I’m still trying to find the culprit in my code, but I have a feeling it has something to do with the routing as it breaks on the transition that is a from a “master” screen to a “child” screen (from home.items to home.item). The transition from login to home.items works fine.

 .state('login', {
        url: '/login',
        templateUrl: 'views/login.html',
        controller: 'LoginCtrl',
        data: {
          authenticate: false
      .state('home', {
        url: "",
        abstract: true,
        controller: 'HomeCtrl',
        templateUrl: "views/home.html"
      .state('home.items', { 
        url: '/items',
          views: {
          'homeContent' : {
            templateUrl: "views/items.html",
            controller : "ItemsCtrl",
            data: {
              authenticate: true
	   .state('home.item', { 
        url: '/items/:id',
          views: {
          'homeContent' :{
            templateUrl: "views/item.html",
            controller : "ItemCtrl",
            data: {
              authenticate: true

Any idea on whether this could be the reason that the nightly build freezes my app when transitioning?


This may have to do with the update to ui-router 0.2.13 in beta 14. Id suggest you look over the change log for 0.2.13 and 0.2.12, since we jumped a few versions.

Thank you. Interestingly, the router was fine. It was breaking because I was not referencing the latest CSS file. Once I added the css reference, everything works!

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Good to hear :smile: