Labels Floating Not Work In Ios Device

Hello everyone, i have problem with labels floating this is not work in Ios devices.
How can i fix it ? Thankyou.

Here this code :slight_smile:

            <ion-label floating>Store Name</ion-label>
            <ion-input type="text" name="storename" id="storename" value="{{store_name}}" #storename ></ion-input>
              Store Type
            <ion-select style="margin-top:15%;">
              <ion-option value="a">A</ion-option>
              <ion-option value="b">B</ion-option>
            <ion-label floating>Store Address</ion-label>
            <!-- <ion-textarea type="text" value="{{adress_detail}} - {{adress}}"></ion-textarea> -->
            <ion-textarea type="text" value="{{adress_detail}} - {{adress}}"></ion-textarea>
            <button (click)="selLoc()" ion-button clear type="button" item-right  style="margin-top:25%;">
              <img src="assets/imgs/admin/icon_Location.svg" width="13px">